有比较,才有鉴别。比较法在历史教学中是我们经常运用的一种教学方法。 历史教学中的比较法就是我们对一件历史事件或一个历史人物有意识地树立其对立面,即用同类型的历史事件或历史人物与之分析比较。通过分析比较,使学生在错综复杂的历史事件和历史人物里,把同类型的事物分辨出好坏优劣,强弱,从而培养学生分析问题的能力,可以避免人云亦云,囫囵吞枣的弊病,
There is a comparison, only identification. Comparative law in history teaching is a teaching method we often use. The comparative law in history teaching is that we consciously establish the opposite of a historical event or a historical figure, that is, compare and analyze with the same type of historical events or historical figures. Through analysis and comparison, students can distinguish similarities and differences from each other in the complicated historical events and historical figures, so as to cultivate students’ abilities to analyze problems, and avoid the shortcomings of getting along with others,