“灰色文献”(Grey Literature)是当前国内外图书情报界一致认为的一个值得重视的情报源。在科技工作中,重视和加强对“灰色文献”的搜集、整理与利用,具有特别重要的意义。一、什么是“灰色文献”所谓“灰色文献”,是指一些内容复杂、信息量大、形式多样、出版周期短、通过常规途径无法得到的文献资料。由于它一般不正式通报和标价,但又照样发行流通,所以又被称为“半版文献”、“非常规文献”和“难得资料”等。在这里,“灰色文献”中的“灰色”,已不是灰色之原意,而是指获取渠道不同于正常出版物。
The Gray Literature is a worthy source of intelligence that is currently recognized by the LIS community both at home and abroad. In the work of science and technology, it is of special importance to pay attention to and strengthen the collection, collation and utilization of “gray literature”. First, what is “gray literature” The so-called “gray literature” refers to a number of complicated, informative, diverse forms, short publication cycle, through conventional means can not get the literature. Because it is generally not formally notified and price, but still circulation distribution, it is also known as the “half-version of the literature”, “unconventional literature” and “rare information” and so on. Here, “gray” in “gray literature” is not the original meaning of gray, but refers to the acquisition channel is different from normal publications.