日本将修建位于岐阜县境内的肥田公路隧道,这座隧道全长10.7 km,为日本第二长、世界第六长公路隧道。该隧道由主洞和与主洞间距为30 m的应急隧洞组成。隧道为南北走向,穿过的地质主要是花岗岩、片麻岩、流纹岩,岩石的最大抗压强度为250 MPa,最大埋深超过1000 m。这座隧道的主洞将采用日本三菱重工制造的直径为12.8 m的硬岩掘进机开挖,估计2000年开始施工。
Japan will build the Fertile Highway Tunnel in Gifu Prefecture, which is 10.7 km long and is Japan’s second longest and the world’s sixth-longest highway tunnel. The tunnel consists of a main tunnel and an emergency tunnel that is 30 m away from the main tunnel. The tunnel is north-south direction. The geology that passes through is mainly granite, gneiss, rhyolite. The maximum compressive strength of the rock is 250 MPa and the maximum buried depth is more than 1000 m. The main tunnel of this tunnel will be excavated with a 12.8 m diameter hard rock roadheader from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries of Japan and construction is scheduled to start in 2000.