为研究毛细水的上升规律及控制技术,取豫东黄泛区粉砂土,针对压实度94%,96%,98%的土样,进行了数值模拟和室内试验,拟合得到了毛细水上升与时间的关系式。结果表明,随时间的延长毛细水上升高度逐渐稳定,第10天时上升高度达130 cm左右,最终上升高度可达285 cm;毛细水上升速度与压实度呈反比,压实度98%时毛细水上升高度和速度均最小;级配碎石、水泥稳定土、纤维水泥稳定土能有效阻隔毛细水上升。因此,适当提高路基压实度和增加毛细水阻隔层可以有效控制毛细水上升,改善路基的水稳定性能。
In order to study the rising law and control technology of capillary water, taking the silty sand in the Yellow River area of the east of Henan Province, the numerical simulation and laboratory tests were carried out for the soil samples compacted at 94%, 96% and 98% Relationship between water rise and time. The results showed that capillary water rose gradually with the increase of time, the height increased by about 130 cm at the 10th day, and the final height increased by 285 cm. The capillary water rise rate was inversely proportional to the compaction degree and the compaction degree was 98% Water rise height and speed are the smallest; graded gravel, cement stabilized soil, fiber cement stabilized soil can effectively block the capillary water rise. Therefore, proper improvement of subgrade compaction and increase of capillary water barrier can effectively control the capillary water rise and improve the water stability of subgrade.