1 接种方法 乙型肝炎 (乙肝 )疫苗于大腿前部外侧或上臂三角肌中部肌内注射。2 联合免疫 乙肝疫苗可以与目前儿童计划免疫使用的疫苗 (如百白破联合疫苗、口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗、麻疹疫苗和卡介苗 )同时接种 ,但应在不同的肢体或 /和部位接种。与其它疫苗联合免疫的具体要求?
1 inoculation method Hepatitis B (hepatitis B) vaccine in the thoracic anterior lateral or upper middle of the deltoid muscle intramuscular injection. 2 Combined immunization Hepatitis B vaccine can be vaccinated at the same time as vaccines currently planned for immunization in children (eg diphtheriae, oral polio vaccine, measles vaccine and BCG vaccine), but should be administered to different limbs or / and sites. Specific immunizations with other vaccines?