Severe neonatal asphyxia 176 cases, of which amniotic fluid (or meconium) inhalation 124 cases, the incidence was 70.4%. Diagnosis of amniotic fluid inhalation symptoms include irregular breathing, pulmonary rales, cyanosis, sucking milk and vomiting. Fetal heart rate abnormalities amniotic fluid intake significantly increased the incidence. Amniotic fluid intake and gestational age in children with severe asphyxia. Weight relationship is not obvious, but the weight ≥ 2000g, gestational age ≥ 37 weeks without amniotic fluid intake of 0 to 2.5% mortality, while with amniotic fluid inhalation mortality as high as 20.5% to 21%. Proposed to strengthen the prenatal care timely treatment of fetal distress in the importance of and discuss the method of thorough removal of the respiratory tract after birth.