Late for Work

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  Henry’s first job was in a shop. The shop opened at nine o’clock. On his first day he was late for work.
  “You’ve five minutes late!” his boss said. “Why?”
  “I’m sorry, sir,” Henry said. “The bus was late. There was a traffic jam.”
  “Catch an earlier bus,” his boss said, “Then you won’t be late.”
  “The earlier bus arrives an hour earlier!” Henry said. “I will be here by eight o’clock.”
  “That’s not my problem,” his boss said.
  The next day, Henry was late again.
  “You’re late again!” his boss shouted. He looked at his watch. “Today you’re ten minutes late. What is your excuse?”
  “I’m sorry, sir,” Henry said. “but I met an old woman in the street. She was carrying a package. It was too heavy for her, so I carried it for her.”
  “That’s not my problem,” his boss said. “If you are late again, I will fire1 you.”
  The next morning Henry got up very early. “I won’t be late this morning,” he thought. “I’ll catch the early bus.”
  Then he heard a noise outside. A cat had its head stuck2 through the bars3 of the balcony4. Henry went out on to the balcony. He leaned over it to push the cat’s head through the bars.
  Suddenly he lost his balance5. He fell over the balcony and fell twenty floors to the ground below. Luckily, he fell on a pile6 of garbage and was not badly hurt. However, he was an hour late for work. His boss was very angry.
  “You’re late!” he shouted.
  Henry thought, “I’ve got a good excuse this time.” He said, “I fell twenty floors from my balcony to the ground.”
  “And that took you an hour?” his boss shouted.
  I. Complete each of the following sentences with a different form of one of these words. Use each one once. (用下列单词的适当形式填空,完成下列句子。每个单词只能使用一次。)
  fall, bad, lose, package
  1. You’re leaving tomorrow. You must ___
   your bags tonight.
  2. Was your  knees ____ hurt?
  3. Unluckily, I ____ my present last night.
  4. The vase ____ on the floor just now.
  II. Find words in the story that match the following definitions. (在故事中找出符合下列英文解释的单词。)
  1. the part of an apartment on which you can   stand outside (7 letters) ____
  2. difficulty (7 letters) ____
  3. sound (5 letters) ____
  III. Match these answers with their correct questions. Write the number of the correct answer for each question. (將下列正确答案与其相应的问题进行搭配。)
  1. An old woman.   2. A traffic jam.
  3. The trip took too long.
  4. A cat’s.
  5. In a shop.
  a. Where was Henry’s first job?
  b. What was Henry’s excuse on the first day?
  c. Whom did Henry help on the second day?
  d. Whose head did Henry push through the bars of his balcony on the third day?
  e. What did the boss say on the third day?
  IV. Write T for True or F for False beside these statements about the story. (判斷下列与故事内容有关的句子的正“T”、误“F”。)
  1. Henry didn’t want to go to work.
  2. Henry’s first job was in a factory.
  3. One day, Henry was late because he helped
  4. Luckily, Henry didn’t hurt himself badly at
  5. Henry caught the early bus on the third day.
  V. Choose the best answer to each question about the story. (为下列与故事内容有关的问题选择正确答案。)
  1. What happened on Henry’s first day at work?
  a. He started at nine.
  b. His boss was late.
  c. He spoke to his boss.
  d. He arrived late.
  2. Why didn’t Henry want to catch an earlier bus?
  a. It wasn’t his problem.
  b. He would arrive too early.
  c. He would be late again.
  d. There was too much traffic.
  3. Why did the boss look at his watch?
  a. To see what time it was.
  b. To help the old woman with her package.
  c. To shout at Henry.
  d. Because he was late for a meeting.
  4. What happened on the third day?
  a. Henry fell twenty floors to the ground.
  b. Henry got ill.
  c. Henry stopped to buy a cat.
  d. Henry put out the garbage.
  5. Why was the boss angry with Henry on the third day?
  a. Because Henry had a good excuse.
  b. Because he wanted to save the cat.
  c. Because he liked Henry.
  d. Because Henry was late for the third time.
  VI. Complete the following paragraph about the story by putting in the missing words in their correct forms. (填入所缺单词的正确形式,完成下面与故事内容有关的段落。)
  Henry’s first job was in a 1.____. Unluckily, his boss was very angry 2.____ him when he arrived late for work because the traffic was bad. The next day, Henry was late
  3.____, but this time he had helped an old woman with her 4.____. On the third day, Henry fell from the twentieth floor of his apartment building when he was trying to help a 5.____.
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