Fabrication of a 120 nm gate-length lattice-matched InGaAs/InAlAs InP-based HEMT

来源 :半导体学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong517
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A new PMMA/PMGI/ZEP520/PMGI four-layer resistor electron beam lithography technology is successfully developed and used to fabricate a 120 nm gate-length lattice-matched In_(0.53)Ga_(0.47)As/In_(0.52)Al_(0.48) As InP-based HEMT,of which the material structure is successfully designed and optimized by our group.A 980 nm ultra-wide T-gate head,which is nearly as wide as 8 times the gatefoot(120 nm),is successfully obtained,and the excellent T-gate profile greatly reduces the parasitic resistance and capacitance effect and effectively enhances the RF performances. These fabricated devices demonstrate excellent DC and RF performances such as a maximum current gain frequency of 190 GHz and a unilateral power-gain gain frequency of 146 GHz. A new PMMA / PMGI / ZEP520 / PMGI four-layer resistor electron beam lithography technology was successfully developed and used to fabricate a 120 nm gate-length lattice-matched In_ (0.53) Ga 0.47 As / In 0.52 Al 0.48 ) As InP-based HEMT, of which the material structure is successfully designed and optimized by our group. A 980 nm ultra-wide T-gate head, which is nearly as wide as 8 times the gate foot (120 nm), is successfully obtained , and the excellent T-gate profile greatly reduces the parasitic resistance and capacitance effect and effectively enhances the RF performances. These fabricated devices demonstrate excellent DC and RF performances such as maximum current gain frequency of 190 GHz and a unilateral power-gain gain frequency of 146 GHz.
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