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游戏是幼儿最喜欢的活动,微游戏是指在幼儿自发、自主的基础上,适用于幼儿园一日生活各个过渡环节及教学活动之间的小游戏。由于空间小、人数少、辅助材料少、操作简单的特点,受到老师的青睐。教师应善于将这些微游戏进行收纳整理,并按照一定的格式用文字记录下来便于今后的保存查阅。微游戏的撰写虽然没有统一的格式与要求,但是在撰写上要简明扼要。常见的游戏撰写格式有:游戏名称、游戏目标、游戏的准备、游戏玩法、规则及其他。 The game is a favorite activity for young children. Micro-game refers to a mini-game between various transitional stages of daily life in kindergartens and teaching activities based on spontaneous and autonomy of children. Due to the small space, the small number of auxiliary materials, simple operation, by the teachers of all ages. Teachers should be good at incorporating these micro-games and organize them according to a certain format and record them for future preservation. Although the writing of micro games there is no uniform format and requirements, but in writing to be concise. Common game writing formats are: game name, game goal, game preparation, gameplay, rules and others.