目的 本文简要叙述了颌面创伤临床信息系统,即颌面创伤数据库的开发建立过程,对数据库的相关概念作了解释和说明,展示了数据的框架结构。同时讨论颌面创伤数据库在临床与科研工作中的基本应用。方法 颌面创伤数据库开发工具为MicrosoftVisualFoxpro6.0(中文版),并对数据库的资料输入与回溯效率同传统方法进行比较。结果 颌面创伤数据库在低配置计算机中运行平衡,临床资料的输入与获取效率大为提高。结论 颌面创伤临床信息系统在临床和科研工作中有普及、推广、应用价值,必将在未来的信息化社会中有力地推动颌面创伤学科的进步和发展。“,”Objective This article describes the development and applicationof a computerized maxillofacial traumatic database, illustrates and explains some basic concepts of modern database, discusses the application of the database in clinical and science research. Methods Microsoft Visual Foxpro V.6.0 for Chinese was employed to develop the database.The efficiency of the data input and recall was compared with the traditional working mode. Results The database was ran smoothly in low configuration computer.The efficiency of the data input and recall was improved greatly. Conclusion The computerized maxillofacial traumatic database has a value of popularization, promotion and application in our clinical and of maxillofacial traumatology in informatization society of future.