卒中预警综合征( SWS)是一种特殊类型的卒中,特点是刻板、渐强、反复发作的局灶性神经功能缺损,并与即将发生腔隙性脑梗死的高风险有关。根据临床表现和神经影像学所见,可分为内囊、脑桥或胼胝体预警综合征。 SWS的病理生理机制复杂,可能涉及脑小血管透明样变性或微动脉粥样硬化、血流动力学机制以及梗死周边去极化影响相邻运动感觉通路等。目前已经提出的多种治疗方法,尚缺少确凿的数据。该文就SWS的研究进展予以综述。“,”Stroke warning syndrome (SWS) is the particular type of stroke characterized by stereotyped, crescendo,recurrent,and short-lasting episodes of transient focal neurological deficits and is associated with a high risk of imminent lacunar infarction.On the basis of clinical and neuroimaging findings,it can be capsu-lar,pontine,or callosal warning syndrome.The pathophysiology of SWS is complex,and may involve lipohyali-nosis or microatheromatosis and hemodynamic mechanisms of small cerebral vessels ,as well as the peri-infarct depolarizations affecting adjacent motor pathways .Different treatment modalities for SWS have been pro-posed,but no conclusive data.