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  If you have never taken part in the Gintama mania somehow, now is the perfect time to catch up because our beloved Gin will return with a whole new season! Ever since the anime ended on March 25th, 2010 with a total of 201
  episodes, there have been a lot of rumors and suspicions about the second season. In December 2010, it was
  confirmed that Gintama would resume in April 2011.
  The story takes place in Edo (known today as
  Tokyo), which was conquered by aliens called Amanto. After the
  samurai[武士]’s rebellion[反抗] being put down[镇压], the Amanto placed a ban on carrying swords in public. Twenty years later, a boy named Shinpachi Shimura is saved by an ex-samurai, Gintoki Sakata. Together
  with the alien girl Kagura, the three of them run a business called “Odd Jobs Gin” to make ends meet[使收支相抵]. While doing their job, they run into Gintoki’s old friend Kotaro Katsura, the police force Shinsengumi, and the major antagonist[对手] Shinsuke Takasugi…
  Are you ready to laugh? Switch your brains on because the humor of Gintama operates on a totally different level! On the
  surface, the anime may look like another ha-ha-look-at-silly-people-do-silly-things comedy, but observant[观察力敏锐的] fans will laugh all the more because of its satirical[讽刺的] edge—the point is, you need to get the joke.
  They say that knowledge is power, and in this case, cultural and otaku knowledge gives one the power to laugh. To fully understand
  Hideaki Sorachi’s franchise[产品(特许权)], the viewer needs to have a good appreciation of both Japanese and Western cultures and have been familiar with a huge amount of anime, manga and games throughout decades, since the series intensively uses wordplay[文字游戏], puns[双关语], parodies[滑稽模仿] and pop culture
  references. No topic is safe from Sorachi’s jokes, whether it’s Jackie
  Chan, Obama, Bleach, Dragon Ball or the Weekly Shounen Jump itself注. Occasionally, Sorachi even uses a gorilla[大猩猩] as his
  avatar[化身] in the anime to make fun of his own life!
  Yes, we have seen thousands of anime using gags[笑料], but none can use them like Gintama did. Sarcastic[挖苦的] dialogues and unique characters also add to this series’s charm. What’s more, when the storytelling does turn serious—on rare occasions—it can easily touch the core of your soul. For all these years, I have laughed, cried, gasped[抽气] in excitement and then laughed a lot more: The second season just cannot come quickly enough!
There are always 1)unsung heroes in each field. In the anime industry, one of the most overlooked factors is BGM – that is, background music – and some of the most talented people working behind the s
小时侯老师常说,动物界里有一群穿着黑色礼服的绅士,住在很冷很冷的地方——它们就是企鹅先生。可是,你能想象企鹅真的穿上衣服吗?曾经,皮埃尔就是这么一只独特的企鹅。不过,如今的它已经褪去外衣,回归自我。一起来看看它的故事吧。    Earlier this year, a penguin at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco wa
I walked with a friend to the newsstand[书报摊,报刊亭] the other night, and he bought a   paper, thanking the owner politely. The owner, however, did not even acknowledge it.   “A sullen[阴沉的] fellow, isn’t
All those days  Watching from the windows  All those years  Outside looking in  All that time  Never even knowing  Just how blind I’ve been    Now I’m here  Blinking[闪烁] in the starlight  Now I’m here
车祸前,萨曼莎是个典型的美国女强人,过着让人艳羡的日子。她漂亮又能干,在一家房地产公司当副总,独力买下属于自己的房子,出入高尚场所,结交的朋友非富则贵,身边也不乏男士追求。  车祸后,她失去了一切记忆,人生突然变成一张白纸。对新生的萨曼莎来说,日常生活就是大大小小的探索冒险,而她也在重新认识自己的同时慢慢看见过去那光环的背面……  《第二人生》(又译《淑女也疯狂》)的构思可谓老套,但演员的功力、剧
自从我们在2010年4月号收录了B宝的《只此一次》(One Time)以来,不断有蜂蜜来信或者发邮件要求让B宝上中彩上封面做专题神马的……虽然B宝在今年的格莱美颗粒无收,他的自传电影《贾斯汀·比伯:永不言败》(Justin Bieber: Never Say Never)却票房飘红,小天王的号召力可见一斑。那么在专业乐评人的眼中,B宝及其音乐到底魅力何在?    Host: And since w
This is the song  That reminds me of my trucker hat  That I used to wear  Not to block out the sun  With a John Deere注1 logo  And a stain[污迹] on the back  From where you laid me out flat  One look I w
New technology that can “see” through clothing and detect what’s underneath can now be used to scan crowds, making it a potentially effective tool to prevent terrorist attacks in public places.  The T
如履薄冰    还记得黛玉初进贾府时,曹翁寥寥几笔——“步步留心,时时在意,不肯轻易多说一句话,多行一步路”,黛玉细心、多虑、自尊的性格特点便跃然纸上。这番描述不禁让人想到短语“to walk on eggs”,它与我们汉语中的“如履薄冰”颇有异曲同工  之妙。   “To walk on eggs”最早出现于16世纪末,常用来形容“某人做事十分小心谨慎,如履薄冰”。语言学家猜测,人们在杜撰该片语
还记得今年5月12日的汶川大地震吗?那惨不忍睹的灾区、那无家可归的灾民,还有那最可爱的抗震  救灾的每一位英雄?所有的一切仿佛告诉我们:只要团结一致,只要永远不放弃,只要我们有爱,勇气和支持就在你身边!为你送上一个简短的小故事,献给每一位以自己小小的身躯守护着身边的人的英雄。本文选自美国1887年出版的《英雄故事集》。    In the year 1781 the war was chiefly