With the addition and subtraction of bookkeeping, the nature of the general ledger and its subsidiary accounts do not belong to the same category as how to keep accounts. Some comrades believe that “registration in the opposite direction” has disturbed the relationship between unified and discord, and “registration in the same direction” has violated accounting. The rules are the only solution to the problem of “reconstruction of detailed subjects and reclassification according to their nature” (see Dispute of “Reverse Direction Registration”, Issue 6, 1984). This view is debatable. Needless to say, “registration in the opposite direction” has confused the relationship between reunification and reunification, and it is theoretically wrong. It is undesirable to cause confusion in practical work. The “Detailed Subject Escalation, Reclassification by Nature” method is certainly available, but it is bound to set up more primary subjects for adjustment, which complicates the calculation. Therefore, this method is not ideal. In contrast, “registration in the same direction” is still available. This is still illustrated by the example of amortizing accounting entries for low-value consumables. Increase: workshop expenses - × × workshop minus: low-value consumables - amortization of low-value consumables The above entry is “registration in the same direction,” and the relationship between reorganization and