跨学科研究在管理学理论发展过程中一直扮演着重要角色,但这种研究方法对管理学科的理论建构以及管理学科的合法性会产生什么样的影响呢?本期发表的3篇译文是2009年发表于Journal of Management Studies第46卷第6期的一个有关在管理领域开展跨学科研究的专题讨论,第一篇短文是编辑对该专题的简要说明,另外两篇论文是学者们围绕跨学科研究方法对于管理学科发展的意义所进行的针锋相对的讨论,其观点颇具启发性,特编发译文以飨读者。
Interdisciplinary research has always played an important role in the development of management theory, but how does this research affect the theoretical construction of management disciplines and the legitimacy of management disciplines? The three translations published in this issue are 2009 An article on cross-disciplinary research in management is published in Journal of Management Studies, Volume 46, Number 6, the first essay being a brief description of the topic by editors and the other two essays by scholars working on interdisciplinary Research methodology for the management of the significance of the development of tit-for-tat discussion, the views of quite enlightening, especially compiled and edited to readers.