商祺6000,是方正电脑商用系列的一种。方正 认为,随着单机时代的结束和网络时代的到来,计算 是以一个整体的形式实现的、管理问题将是一个首要的问题。方正商祺6000成功地在PC的可管理性方面实现了突破,成为国产个人电脑品牌中,第一个实现可管理的PC。 方正商祺6000共有6266、6300、6333、6350、6400五个产品,6266、6300、6333采用Intel的82440LX主板;6350、6400采用Intel的82440BX主板,可以支持从PⅡ266至400MHz的微处理器,支持SDRAM、UltraATA、USB等主流技术,全面支
Sincerely, 6000, a series of commercial computer Founder. Founder believes that with the advent of the stand-alone era and the advent of the Internet age, computing has taken place as a whole, and managing problems will be a top priority. Founder Sincerely, 6000 Successfully achieved a breakthrough in manageability of the PC, making it the first PC in the domestic PC category to achieve manageability. Founder Sincere 6000 Total 6266,6300,6333,6350,6400 five products, 6266,6300,6333 with Intel’s 82440LX motherboard; 6350,6400 with Intel’s 82440BX motherboard, can support from PII266 to 400MHz microprocessor, support SDRAM, UltraATA, USB and other mainstream technologies, full support