目的 探讨运动试验后血尿和蛋白尿变化规律以及在飞行员医学选拔中的价值。 方法 应招青年 435人 ,分别在运动试验前和运动试验后 0 .5、2 .5、4.5、6 .5、8.5及 18h(次日晨 )留取尿样作沉渣镜检 ,同时用尿液分析仪检测尿红细胞和尿蛋白。 结果 运动试验前血尿阳性发生率为8.97% ,并持续至运动试验后次日晨 ;运动试验前血尿和蛋白尿阴性者运动试验后阳性发生率均在0 .5 h达到高峰 ,在 2 .5 h时即显著下降 ,少数受检者可持续至运动试验后次日晨 ;运动试验前蛋白尿阳性者在运动试验后不同时间段阳性率依次下降 ,部分受检者也可持续至次日晨。 结论 运动试验后血尿和蛋白尿在不同时间段的变化有一定的规律 ,运动试验后次日晨尿检测对进一步明确成因、防止漏检、误淘以及减少医学停飞可能有一定的指导意义
Objective To investigate the changes of hematuria and proteinuria after exercise test and its value in pilot medical selection. Methods 435 young people should be recruited, respectively, before the exercise test and exercise test 0.5, 2.5, 4.5, 6.5, 6.5, 8.5 and 18h (the next morning) to take urine samples for sediment microscopy, while using urine Analyzer detects urinary red blood cells and urine protein. Results The positive rate of hematuria before exercise test was 8.97%, and lasted until the next morning after exercise test. The positive rates of hematuria and proteinuria test before exercise test all reached the peak at 0.5 h, h decreased significantly, a small number of subjects can be continued until the next morning after exercise test; before exercise test proteinuria in different periods after exercise test positive rate decreased in turn, part of the subjects can also continue until the next morning . Conclusion The changes of hematuria and proteinuria after exercise test have certain rules at different time periods. Morning urine test on the next day after exercise test may have some guiding significance for further clarifying causes, preventing missed inspection, mishandling and reducing medical gag -