Objective To understand the performance of alimentary tests in elder, neglect, neglect, hemophilia and hemophilia in China, and to explore the diagnostic value and neuropsychological mechanism of line aliquot to neglect and hemianopia. Methods Thirty equally healthy Chinese elderly (control group) and 73 patients with unilateral brain injury (test group) were divided into two groups according to a lineal test. At the same time, 73 patients with unilateral brain injury were neglected and hemilefied. Results According to neglect, hemianopia test results will be divided into experimental group neglect of neglect, ignorance associated with partial hemianopia group and hemianopia group were analyzed. In the normal control group, no significant differences were found between the left and right hands in left-handed and right-handed skews (P <0.001). The neglect group test mostly deviated to the same side of brain injury compared with the normal control group (P <0.001). Neglect group with partial blind test group and neglect group equally favored brain injury (P <0.001). The test of partial blind line bias toward the contralateral side of brain injury showed significant difference compared with that of the normal control group (P <0.001), while the difference of the former was significant <0.05). Conclusion There is difference between the left and right hand in the line aliquot test. The line aliquot is one of the better methods of neglect. The line aliquot is not completely related to other neglect tests, Partial hemifacial does not affect the line aliquot test on the neglect of the detection rate. Line aliquots can be used to identify simple hemianopsia and neglect.