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  Science is so exciting. You learn something new every day! Both of my parents work in chemistry. I have grown up with science and never really found it boring, so I’ve always dreamed of using this to help me find an exciting job.
  Over the past few years, we’ve been advised to focus on choosing subjects that would lead us to the right university and our future careers. As much as I love academia[学术环境], I don’t think university is the right path for me as I would like to enter into something that guarantees[保证] a career at the end, and not just a job.
  I had already decided to study BTEC注1 Applied[应用的] Sciences, P.E, Drama and Maths at A Level注2, but when I was looking for courses on the web with my mum, I stumbled across[偶然发现] Women into Science, Engineering and Construction.
  They offered the chance to spend a week with the RAF注3 to learn about engineering. And there was a lot of information about technical roles for a young woman within the Air Force.
  None of my family have ever been in the armed forces, but this is the kind of exciting career that I want and not the nine-to-five daily routine of working in an office.
  So I applied[申请]—alongside quite a lot of people—and was the only girl chosen from my school. We were asked to write about our hobbies, interests and career ambitions[雄心] and entered into a tough selection process[过程].
  It helped that I was already on the school hockey team, tennis team, athletics[运动] team, because they weren’t just testing our brains. I was so excited when I found out I’d got through!
  I’ve heard the usual stereotypes[固定的形象] of what the RAF is like and that it is a “man’s world,” but I wanted to see this for myself—and I’m glad I did. It’s not every Thursday afternoon that you get to sit in a real life Harrier jet注4.
  While we were there, we discovered how the fast jets and helicopters work, and we even got to do some hands-on engineering, by removing the flaps[副翼] from a jet aircraft, and also by designing and building gliders[滑翔机] with three-metre wingspans[翼展]. This was no ordinary school trip!
  The week was fantastic, and the experience has definitely changed me.   My plan now is to apply to be a pilot, possibly a fast jet pilot, like some of the female RAF Flight Lieutenants[空军上尉] that I met. I want to travel and see the world, but see it from a different perspective[角度].
  注1:英国商业与技术教育委员会(Business & Technology Education Council)的简称。
  注2:英国普通教育高级程度证书(General Certificate of Education Advanced Level)是英国(不包括苏格兰)的普通中等教育文凭,供16至19岁的学生修读,通常为期两年。
  注3:英国皇家空军(Royal Air Force)的简称。
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