The effect of global climate change to agricultural resource,

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  In these days,there are increasing number of extreme weather events are changing agricultural geography and food productivity,endangering long-term food security. Drought in conjunction with the global population growth and concentration of population in urban areas is causing water shortages in dry continents. Pollutions of air and water and poor waste management are also serious threats to human health. This paper analyses the relationship between climate change and agricultural resource,population displacement and economic dislocation from various points of view,and recommends possible solutions to address these issues.
  The ecological adverse impact of climate change will endanger food and water security,health,livelihoods,economy and infrastructure. History shows that people will move when they can no longer be sustained in their homelands because of serious environmental problems. The fourth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC)identifies small islands states,including those in the South Pacific,as one of the primary global regions to be most vulnerable to climate change. Most of these island states are low-lying atolls,with limited land space,small populations and little financial resources,and more than 50% of people of Pacific Island states live within 1.5 kilometres of the shore. The IPCC report also forecasts there will be approximately 150 million environmental refugees over the world by the middle of this century;shoreline erosion,citing coastal flooding,and agricultural degradation are main factors. New Zealand government has established the “Pacific Access Category”,an immigration program that allows a yearly intake of 75 residents each from Kiribati and Tuvalu and 250 each from Tonga and Fiji to settle if they have been displaced by climate change(Widishch,2008). In addition,host regions also need to co-ordinate and improve services in order to better meet the needs of refugees experiencing mental health breakdown,such as powerlessness,loneliness,alienation,disapproval,withdrawal and hostility. It should aim to campaign for better recognition of needs,and keep building on and utilising the skills that people already employ in their efforts to aid refugee settlement. Expertise in work with refugees is by its nature evolving in work done in everyday settings,such as health clinics,community centers and schools. It is important to consolidate and restore refugee’s hope and energy.
  The annual economic loss due to land area loss is estimated to be about $ 45.6 billion worldwide,following a 50 cm rise in sea level. In the context of developing countries,the overall macroeconomic impact of sea-level rise would amount to about 30% of current GNP in the coastal zone(Frankhauser,1995). In addition,sea-level rise will increase salinity in surrounding coastal areas,significantly reducing yields from food crops and endangering drinking water supplies. Loss of agricultural land in the coastal zone causes food shortage elsewhere in the country may lead to large numbers of displacement. Recently,the great majority of environmental migrants originate densely in coastal zones,because sea-level rise will permanently damage highly productive and extensive low-lying coastal areas which are home to millions of people. Most environmental migrants move to settle in urban centers in their home countries,a smaller proportion migrates to neighbor countries,and an even smaller fraction people move long distances to developed countries. Usually,displacement makes migrants economically vulnerable,causing increased poverty and insecurity. The economical burden thus particularly falls on least developed countries to settle these migrants. Additionally,more people will be forced to migrate in the future,that will create social conflicts,especially in the countries with poor resource. According to rapid increase of climate refugees from developing countries,international migration policies and programs need to be formulated. Assistance should be provided to enable people to stay in their own communities with their own cultures. Regional rehabilitation and resettlement must be encouraged to a great extent before the onset of widespread rise of sea level. Moreover,relocation and displacement can also have significant mental health effects,and are also associated with major depression. On another level,the extend of climate crisis,and worry over future impacts on health and the environment,have already lead to concern in the general population. It is necessary to set effective public health communication that inspires action rather than stress and despair.
[摘要]预算造价是工程项目投资的重要依据,快速、准确地进行建筑工程的造价预算应是理论与实际结合的结果。目前,超预算的现象在各大建筑企业中屡见不鲜,这对工程造价的控制产生了很不利的影响。本文将从预算造价的理论原则、建筑工程中的预算控制两方面进行阐述。  [关键词]建筑工程造价预算控制要点管理办法  中图分类号:S772 文献标识码:S 文章编号:1009―914X(2013)31―0454―01  
[摘要]作为现代工程建筑施工的重要组成部分,土木工程施工质量控制与管理是工程施工管理工作的重点,是工程整体质量控制与管理的关键。本文就土木工程施工质量控制及施工全过程的监督检查工作进行了简要论述。  [关键词]土木工程工程施工质量管理质量质检  中图分类号:S969.1 文献标识码:S 文章编号:1009―914X(2013)31―0445―01       1.现代土木工程施工质量控制分析  针
[摘要]建筑幕墙在我国获得了长足的发展,涌现出一大批精品工程和高科技含量的工程,一些系统达到或超越国外的水平,因此从设计、材料选用、加工制作和安装施工等方面都应从严掌握,精心操作,对幕墙生产全过程进行有效的质量控制,从而有效地保证幕墙工程的质量和安全。本文结合当前建筑幕墙设计的现状对建筑幕墙设计优化作了分析。  [关键词]建筑工程幕墙设计优化观念  中图分类号:TU761 文献标识码:TU 文章编
[摘要]工程地质工作的质量,对工程方案的决策和工程建设的顺利进行至关重要。由于地质问题引起的工程事故时有发生,轻则修改设计延误工期,严重时造成工程失事给人民生命财产带来重大损失。近年来,工程地质勘察质量有下滑现象,工程地质分析不够深入,有的甚至出现工程地质评价的结论性错误。本文主要分析在工程地质相关过程中存在的主要问题及有效解决对策。  [关键词]工程地质问题对策  [Abstract] the
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