肺结核的临床表现复杂多样,且具有传染性,对公众危害严重。因此,及时准确的对其作出诊断,对于其控制意义重大。结核菌素试验是多数医院常用的检测方式,本研究应用T细胞斑点试验、痰结核菌检测及CT 3种方法诊断结核病的准确诊断率进行研究。1对象与方法1.1对象选择2013年9月-2014年8月本院收治的100例疑似肺结核患者为研究对象,依据患者的临床表现、影像学、细菌学及在1个月内应用抗结核药物
The clinical manifestations of tuberculosis are complex and contagious, and endanger the public. Therefore, timely and accurate diagnosis of it is of great importance to its control. Tuberculin test is the most commonly used detection methods in most hospitals. In this study, T cell dot test, sputum TB test and CT 3 methods were used to diagnose the exact diagnosis rate of tuberculosis. 1 Subjects and methods 1.1 Object Selection 2013 September - August 2014 100 cases of suspected pulmonary tuberculosis admitted to our hospital as the research object, based on the patient’s clinical manifestations, imaging, bacteriology and the application of anti-TB drugs within 1 month