1963年3月5日,毛主席发出“向雷锋同志学习”的号 召。于是,“雷锋”这个名字就融入了春天。每逢3月,我便沉浸 在春天的浓郁之中。因为,身在春天,在时令的春天--春光 明媚,生机勃勃;更因为,心在春天,在雷锋精神孕育的春 天--春阳融融,春风信信,春雨淅渐。在这时令与精神融合 的春天中,我享受阳光、享受春风、享受雨露、享受美好。 22岁的雷锋就像春天的朝阳,他来自严寒,身上还印留 着冬天的伤痕和旧社会难释的恶梦。所以,他更喜欢新生活,
On March 5, 1963, Chairman Mao issued the call of “learning from Comrade Lei Feng”. Thus, “Lei Feng ” the name of integration into the spring. Every March, I am immersed in the strong spring. Because, in the spring, in the seasonal spring - the spring is bright, vibrant; more because, the heart in the spring, in the spirit of Lei Feng spring spring - spring, spring breeze, spring rain gradually. In this seasonal spring with the spirit of integration, I enjoy the sunshine, enjoy the spring breeze, enjoy the rain and enjoy the good. Lei Feng, 22, like a spring sunrise, he comes from the cold, who also printed with the winter wounds and the old society is hard to explain the nightmare. So, he likes new life more,