50年前,那场改变国家和民族命运的解放战争和接踵而来的抗美援朝战争,随着时光的流逝,已经覆盖上了一层历史的尘埃。然而,辽宁省朝阳市第11中学的老教师席彦凌,却一直生活在现实和历史的两个世界里。当一拨又一拨的“追星族”们瞄准歌星、影星,狂热地追逐时,他却情有独钟、痴心不改,对当年的战斗英雄们,顶礼膜拜! 7烈士啊,你们都是谁呢? 他,自小就与共和国的英雄们结下了不解之缘。1947年腊月的
Fifty years ago, the war of liberation and the ensuing war of resistance against the United States and Korea that changed the fate of the country and the nation covered the dust of history with the passing of time. However, Xi Yanling, an old teacher at No. 11 Middle School in Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province, has lived in both worlds of reality and history. When the shouted “chasing stars” are aimed at singers, movie stars, fanatical chase, he was fond of infatuation, infatuation, war heroes of the year, worship! 7 Martyr, you are Who? He, childhood, formed a bond with the heroes of the republic. In 1947 the twelfth lunar month