提高成校办学效益 致力农村经济发展

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党中央、国务院在去年召开的全国教育工作会议上,强调大力发展职业教育和成人教育,并指出这是提高劳动者素质和振兴经济的必由之路,这不仅是对成人教育地位和作用的充分肯定,更是赋予了成人教育以时代的重任。要担当起这一重任,最根本的一条是提高办学效益。为提高成校办学效益,我们从以下三个方面着手,致力于建立与社会主义市场经济相适应的办学体制。一、摆正位置,是提高成校办学效益的首要前提首先应摆正成人教育在政府日常工作中的位置,要求领导重视,切实把成校工作纳入各乡镇社会、经济发展的总体规划,建立机构,健全网络。镇一级以校委会为组织形式,由乡镇主要领导牵头,协调镇(乡)工、农、 At the national education conference held last year, the Central Party Committee and the State Council stressed the importance of vigorously developing vocational education and adult education and pointed out that this is the only way to improve the quality of workers and rejuvenate the economy. This not only fully affirms the status and role of adult education, It is to give adult education to the important task of the times. To take up this important task, the most fundamental one is to improve the efficiency of running a school. To improve the efficiency of running a school, we proceed from the following three aspects and devote ourselves to establishing a school-running system that is compatible with the socialist market economy. First, to correct the position is to improve the efficiency of primary school premise should be set first adult education in the government’s daily work position, requiring the leadership attention to effectively into the school work into the township social and economic development of the overall plan to establish Organization, improve the network. The town level to the school committee as the organizational form, led by the township main leaders, coordination town (township) workers, farmers,
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