2016年6月1 7日,第三次中国—中东欧国家地方领导人会议在唐山市举行,中国国务院副总理马凯、捷克总理索博特卡、黑山副总理伊瓦诺维奇、中东欧16国驻华使节,以及中国和中东欧国家的政府官员、地方领导人和企业家代表共约1300人出席会议。会议筹办和举行期间,在河北省委保密委和唐山市委、市政府的正确领导下,唐山市保密局多措并举,全员动员,全力以赴,圆满完成了保密工作任务,为确保会议活动安全顺利进行发挥了保障作用。
On June 17, 2016, the Third China-Central and Eastern European Country Leaders Meeting was held in Tangshan City. Chinese Vice Premier Ma Kai, Czech Prime Minister Sobotka, Deputy Prime Minister of Ivanovic Ivanovic of Montenegro, and Central and Eastern Europe 16 Ambassadors to China, as well as government officials, local leaders and business representatives from China and Central and Eastern European countries, attended the meeting. During the preparation and holding of the conference, under the correct leadership of Hebei Provincial Commission of Confidentiality Committee and Tangshan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, the Security Bureau of Tangshan City mobilized and went all out to complete the task of confidential work. In order to ensure the meeting activity Safe and smooth play a protective role.