2005年9月15日开学半个月,并没有马上找到新的志同道合的兄弟,也不知道究竟能不能再找到。突然开始特别想念云,不知道他在北京过得怎么样。与他的交情早已不是简简单单一句话就能概括的了。兄弟七年,一起上学一起训练, 一起洗澡一起上网,一份报纸两个人看,甚至连一分钱都愿意一起用。本以为我们会一直待在同一个城市奋斗的,谁知,为了理想,不得不分开。于是,再也没有人被我叫作“老牛”,再也没有人和我一起在排球场上挥汗如雨……
On the 15th of September, 2005, he started school for two weeks and did not immediately find a new like-minded brother, nor did he know if he could find it again. Suddenly he began to miss the cloud in particular and did not know how well he was in Beijing. It is no longer a simple sentence to summarize his relationship with him. For seven years, the brothers went to school together for training. They took a bath together and surfed the internet. A newspaper and two people saw it. Even a penny was willing to be used together. I thought that we would always be fighting in the same city. Who knows, for ideals, have to separate. So no one was called me “the old cow” anymore. No one was sweating on the volleyball court with me...