
来源 :Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zj770929
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本研究以大学二年级学生为研究对象,采用定量研究法,对词汇广度知识、词汇深度知识在中国外语学习者的听力理解中所产生的影响进行了深入研究。研究表明,词汇广度知识、词汇深度知识与听力理解成绩显著相关。比起词汇深度知识,词汇广度对听力理解的影响更大。本研究结果将为我国英语听力教学提供建议与参考。 In this study, the second-year college students as the research object, the quantitative research method, the vocabulary breadth of knowledge, vocabulary depth knowledge of Chinese foreign language learners in the hearing comprehension of the impact in-depth study. Research shows that vocabulary breadth knowledge, vocabulary depth knowledge and listening comprehension scores are significantly related. Compared with the depth of vocabulary knowledge, vocabulary breadth has a greater impact on listening comprehension. The results of this study will provide suggestions and reference for our English listening teaching.
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