Multidatabase systems are designed to achieve schema integration and data interoperation among distributed and heterogeneous database systems. But data model he
绝对值是数学中的一个重要概念,它的应用十分广泛.我们不仅要深入理解这个概念,灵活运用它来解题,而且在应用过程中要学会其中的思想方法. 1. 数形结合思想 例1已知有理数a、b在数轴上的位置如图1所示,则化简|a-b|得(). A. a-bB. b-a C. a bD. -(a b) 数轴是数形结合的基础,根据a、b在数轴上的位置,可直观地看出a0,于是a-b0,b>0时, 原式= =1
An adaptive endpoint detection algorithm based on band energy and adaptive smoothing algorithm is described.This algorithm utilizes the capability of adaptive s
The calculation of correlation dimension is a key problem of the fractals. The standard algorithm requires O(N2) computations. The previous improvement methods