在内蒙古大兴安岭绰尔古营河林场设置了3块具有代表性的样地,基于野外调查数据,分析了兴安落叶松群落树种组成结构、直径树高分布、种群分布格局以及物种多样性。结果表明:1)绰尔样地Ⅰ、样地Ⅲ为兴安落叶松纯林,密度分别为740株/hm2和380株/hm2,样地Ⅱ是以兴安落叶松为主并有白桦、黑桦、山杨的混交林样地,密度为1 080株/hm2;2)兴安落叶松纯林(样地Ⅰ和样地Ⅲ)的空间分布格局为均匀分布,以兴安落叶松为主的混交林地(样地Ⅱ)的种群为聚集分布;3)丰富度指数、多样性指数垂直规律一致:草本层>灌木层>乔木层。
Three typical plots were set up in the Guanying forest farm, Chorch, Inner Mongolia. Based on the field survey data, the tree species composition, diameter and height distribution, population distribution pattern and species diversity of Larix gmelinii were analyzed. The results showed as follows: 1) In Tongol Ⅰ and Ⅲ, the pure Larix gmelinii forest had the density of 740 plants / hm2 and 380 plants / hm2 respectively. The sample Ⅱ was mainly composed of Larix gmelinii and Betula platyphylla, , Aspen forest mixed forest samples, the density of 1 080 plants / hm2; 2) Larix gmelinii pure forest (plots Ⅰ and plots Ⅲ) spatial distribution of uniform distribution, Larix gmelinii-based mixed forest (Sample Ⅱ) were clustered. 3) The index of abundance and diversity index were the same as the vertical pattern: herb layer> shrub layer> arbor layer.