
来源 :中国城市经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fw1989
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新的世纪,徐州面临着难得的发展机遇,也将迎接诸多挑战。坚持以富民强市为目标,加快经济发展步伐,力争进入全国发达地区行列,是徐州新世纪的重要任务。市计委作为市政府的综合经济部门,担负着“十五”时期国民经济综合平衡、固定资产投资综合管理和国民经济结构战略性调整等重大职责。为把宏伟蓝图变为明天的现实,市计委将切实发展计划职能,促进经济与社会全面发展。 The new century, Xuzhou faces a rare opportunity for development, will also meet many challenges. It is an important task of Xuzhou in the new century to adhere to the goal of enriching the people and strengthening the city and speeding up the pace of economic development and strive to enter the ranks of the developed areas in the country. As a comprehensive economic department of the municipal government, the Planning Commission of the City shoulders major responsibilities such as the comprehensive balance of the national economy, the integrated management of the fixed assets investment and the strategic readjustment of the national economic structure during the 10th Five-year Plan period. In order to turn the grand blueprint into a reality for tomorrow, the Municipal Planning Commission will earnestly develop its planned functions and promote the all-round economic and social development.
1 前言 原机床电气采用传统电气装置,内有22个中间继电器,与三个时间继电器组成。现改用日本和泉“FA—2J”系统,输入点数为48点,输出点数为48点来构成,实践下来非常成功,对
本文以特种压力容器为例叙述了低周疲劳寿命实验研究的分析方法。按照一定的模拟准则,以平板和简单模拟容器的试验数据来估算产品的允许疲劳寿命。 In this paper, the spec
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