陕西省国民经济经过几十年发展 ,取得了很大的成就 ,但与沿海省市比较还有较大差距 ,在参与国际国内市场的竞争中还需加倍努力。当前影响制约陕西省经济发展的主要问题有 :一是结构性矛盾仍然突出。首先所有制结构不合理 ,国有经济战线长、比重大 ,非公有制经济总量低 ;产业集
After decades of development, the national economy of Shaanxi Province has made great achievements. However, there is still a long way to go to compare with the coastal provinces and municipalities. We must redouble our efforts in participating in the competition in the international and domestic markets. The main problems currently affecting the economic development in Shaanxi Province are as follows: First, the structural contradictions are still outstanding. First, the structure of ownership is irrational, the state-owned economy has a long-term and large proportion, and the total amount of non-public ownership is low. Industry