作者于1977年11月至1981年10月,4年期间放射治疗喉癌160例,其中无颈部淋巴结与远处转移的声门癌85例。按肿瘤(T)分类,(T_(1a))73例,T_(1b) 12例。男性70例,女性5例,年龄最小31岁,最大87岁。治疗方法:用4MV 直线加速器X 线,左、右二野相对照射,治疗距离80厘米,照射野5×5平方厘米,每次剂量2Gy,根据肿瘤的放疗反应、年
From November 1977 to October 1981, the authors performed 160 cases of radiotherapy for laryngeal carcinoma during the 4 years. Among them, 85 cases had no cervical lymph nodes and distant metastases. According to tumor (T) classification, (T_(1a)) in 73 cases, T_(1b) in 12 cases. There are 70 males and 5 females. The youngest is 31 years old and the oldest is 87 years old. Treatment method: using 4MV linear accelerator X-ray, left and right two fields relative irradiation, treatment distance 80 cm, radiation field 5 x 5 square centimeters, each dose 2Gy, according to radiotherapy response of tumor, year