引 子多年来多次参加学术会议,不胜荣幸。然而本人对国内之古建筑了解不多,不敢妄加批评。爰以西方古建筑之见闻辑录,供诸专家参考,又曾在英国读书和工作数年,故积闻录皆搜集英国资料为主。积闻录以一闻一录,概括为之,未能深入,只可浅言而已。1.西方古建筑的业权 西方古建?
Yin priests participated in many academic conferences over the years, very honored. However, I did not know much about the ancient architecture in China and did not dare to improperly criticize it.爰With the insights and records of Western ancient architecture, for the expert reference, but also in the United Kingdom to study and work for a few years, so plot Wen Lu are collected mainly British information. Slogan to smell a record, summed up as it, not in-depth, only superficial. Western ownership of ancient buildings Western ancient architecture?