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  自2004年起,泰国政府开始着力推动医疗旅游业的发展,泰国旅游和体育部联合公共卫生部牵头医疗服务、健康保健服务、传统草药等相关产业,先后提出了把泰国打造为“世界保健中心”“亚洲健康旅游中心”“亚洲SPA 中心”的战略计划。截至2018年12月,泰国有64家医院获得了JCI(国际医疗卫生机构认证联合委员会)认证,美容整形、SPA养生、牙科保健、试管婴儿等专业医疗项目受到多国游客追捧。
  泰国亚洲医疗旅游公司副总裁Pimnara Punsuay介绍道,随着医疗旅游风潮的兴起,大量针对改善患者健康情况的酒店和度假村,以及提供综合医疗方案的私人医院崛起,许多酒店在已有SPA疗养的基础上建立起医疗诊治中心。为顾客提供医疗问诊和疗养咨询等服务逐渐成为泰国酒店服务的别样亮点。
  如果说“马杀鸡”是泰国医疗旅游的初级一环,那么由专业医疗机构开展的医疗服务可以说是它的重要支柱。美国萨托利医疗旅游公司总裁史蒂芬·拉什評价道:“泰国许多医院已经达到世界最高水平,和美国不相上下。”从价格来看,“尤其是在重症治疗上,泰国医院的价格相当于欧美的1/3到1/4,较新加坡低一到两成。”曼谷杜斯特医疗服务集团首席运营官Poramaporn Prasarttong-Osoth透露,在价格和亚洲文化的一致性上,泰国比其他国家更具竞争力。
  该集团首席财务官Narumol Noi-Am称:“中国正逐渐成为泰国医疗旅游的重要市场。2015年以前,我们医院的前十大患者来源国并不包括中国。而2017年,中国已经成为第二大收入增长的市场,并开始以每年30%的增速增长。”曼谷杜斯特医疗服务集团首席运营官Poramaporn Prasarttong-Osoth介绍,泰国医院在治疗肺癌、乳腺癌、结直肠癌方面取得了世界级临床效果,极大提升了这些患者的长期生存率。“考虑到中国的癌症发病率正在急剧增加,患者寻求能够提供更好医疗效果和服务的治疗目的地,我们认为这一增长趋势将会继续。”他说。
  像这样的国际医院,泰国还有很多。为中国患者设立专门的网站、标识、讲中文的医护人员等,成为这些医院的“标配”。有些医院甚至根据中国患者的喜好,设立了官方微信公众号,推出具有中国特色的病患饮食套餐等。泰国政府也为各大医院争取这一商机铺路。2017年6月,泰国公共卫生部联合外交部、旅游和体育部在泰国旅游局中文网上发布了声明,规定对于以治病为目的入境泰国的中国居民及其陪同者可获免签。每次入境泰国不得超过90天,需要多次入境泰国的上述人员可以续签。在多种便利优势并行的前提下,中国人赴泰旅游的目的除了感受当地风土人情之外,寻医问药也逐渐成为主流。   The COVID-19 in 2020 has brought a heavy blow to the global exhibition industry. Thousands of exhibitions expected to hold in China were suspended, especially outbound exhibitions. This situation inevitably caused worries among people. But Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said, “China will unswervingly promote opening-up. This policy will not and cannot be changed.” The remark made people rest assured.
  The role of China-ASEAN Expo (hereinafter referred to as the CAEXPO) in promoting economic and trade cooperation between China and ASEAN will still be effective. “The Belt and Road” and “digital economy” will be  key words for the 17th CAEXPO. At that time, higher-level, more diverse and innovative activities will be unveiled.
  “Necessary exhibitions” can be held
  Three major smoke-free industries recognized by the world are exhibition industry, tourism and real estate. It is generally believed that the exhibition industry has an inherent driving effect featuring 1:9. That is to say, if the income of a certain exhibition is “1”, then the income of corresponding industries such as hotel, transportation, catering and tourism is “9”.
  According to the data of China Exhibition Economic Development Report 2019, 3,547 economic and trade exhibitions were held in China, with a total exhibition area of 130.48 million square meters, and the market scale continued to rank first in the world. The direct economic output value exceeded RMB 700 billion yuan. Affected by the COVID-19 in 2020, the thriving exhibition industry stepped on the “speed bump”. From February to April 2020, there were nearly 3,500 domestic exhibitions affected by the epidemic in China, while the situation of outbound exhibitions would be even more severe. The outbreak of overseas epidemic has increased uncertainty for the recovery of China’s exhibition industry.
  The Guidelines on Epidemic Prevention and Control issued on May 8, 2020 by the State Council of China has brought hopes to the exhibition industry, in which the saying that “all kinds of necessary meetings and exhibitions can be held” has provided policy support for accelerating the “restart” of the exhibition industry. On May 28, at the third session of the 13th National People’s Congress, Li Keqiang reiterated the basic national policy of “opening-up”, increasing the confidence of international exhibitions. “China will unswervingly promote opening-up. This policy will not and cannot be changed. We will continue to expand cooperation with the world and independently introduce more measures to expand the scale of opening up,” said Li Keqiang.   Great hopes have been placed on Nanning, the permanent venue of the CAEXPO. The Implementation Opinions of Nanning Municipal People’s Government on Further Promoting the High-Quality Development of the Exhibition Industry (hereinafter referred to as the Implementation Opinions) put forward that Nanning should be built into an international exhibition cluster area facing ASEAN, and an important meeting destination for China-ASEAN and central south and southwest regions. According to the Implementation Opinions, Nanning will give full play to the brand effect of the CAEXPO and the China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit, guide the leading enterprises, industries and trade associations to improve the competitiveness of exhibition industry by deepening cross-border cooperation and innovating exhibition modes such as “Internet plus”, and support holding exhibitions in ASEAN and countries along the Belt and Road. Although the epidemic has not yet disappeared, the CAEXPO still bears the mission.
  Focus on two key words and create several “firsts”
  In the past 16 years, the CAEXPO has been serving the basic national policy of “opening-up”. The scope of the CAEXPO has expanded to RCEP and the Belt and Road from China-ASEAN. Since 2020 marks the Year of China-ASEAN Digital Economic Cooperation, the theme of the 17th CAEXPO has been determined as “Jointly Building the Belt and Road and Developing Digital Economy”, to build a cooperation platform for exhibitors with brand new attitudes.
  Since the launch of the Belt and Road Initiative, Chinese President Xi Jinping has been constantly enriching its connotation, “Promoting connectivity, openness and inclusiveness is the only way to deal with the global crisis and achieve long-term development. Jointly building international cooperation facing the Belt and Road can play a vital role.” It is reported that the CAEXPO will plan more high-level friendly exchange activities and build more diversified high-level dialogue platforms. Besides, countries and regions along the Belt and Road will be encouraged to join the CAEXPO and be invited to become specially invited cooperation partners. The CAEXPO also will promote the participation of their economic and trade delegations led by ministerial level officials and hold special economic and trade exchanges, to display dominant and characteristic commodities and enhance the effectiveness of the CAEXPO.
  On June 12, 2020, the opening ceremony of the Year of China-ASEAN Digital Economic Cooperation was held online. Li Keqiang said in the congratulatory letter that he hoped the two sides can “focus on win-win cooperation, cultivate more new growth points of cooperation in the fields of smart city, artificial intelligence, big data and other industries, create more powerful new momentum for economic and social development of both sides, and inject new vitality into the realization of lasting stability and prosperity in the region”.   The CAEXPO will closely follow the hot spots of cooperation, take the high-quality development led by digital economy and the industrial transformation and upgrading promoted by the new generation of information technology as its goal, focus on “innovation and cooperation”, and pay more attention to the scientific and technological content and the added value of exhibits. In the 17th CAEXPO, targeted arrangements will be made in terms of the content of exhibitions, and a series of activities will be planned to promote the achievements of China-ASEAN digital economic cooperation.
  Under the theme of “Jointly Building the Belt and Road and Developing Digital Economy”, the CAEXPO will create several “firsts” as its highlights. First, the RCEP exhibition area will be set up for the first time.
  In June 22, 2020, the trade ministers of the 15 member countries of RCEP said in a statement that the epidemic increased the importance of signing the agreement. Since it would show the strong support for multilateral trade system, regional integration and regional economic development. On June 23, the 15 member states held a ministerial video conference and unanimously decided to work hard to promote the signing of the agreement within the year. If the agreement is signed successfully, RCEP countries will be invited to participate in the CAEXPO, and exchange activities for RCEP countries will be held to display investment information and characteristic commodities from Japan, South Korea, Australia and other countries in special forms.
  Second, the first cross-border E-commerce exhibition area will be set up in the CAEXPO. Cross-border E-commerce platforms and retailers from China, ASEAN and countries outside the region will be invited, with a focus on cross-border E-commerce services and imported goods.
  Since 2010, express companies like SF, Zhongtong, Baishi and Yuantong have successively entered the ASEAN market. In addition to bringing “China speed” to the local express industry, we can also see the feasibility of cross-border E-commerce development between China and ASEAN. On June 18, 2020, Jingdong Indonesia, a subsidiary of Jingdong group, ushered in the first “618 Shopping Festival” with local characteristics. This not only shows the great potential of “digital economy”, but also marks a good start for the Year of China-ASEAN Digital Economic Cooperation.
  According to the CAEXPO Secretariat, the preparatory work for the CAEXPO is in progress. The co-organizers of ASEAN countries have said that they will continue to book an entire exhibition hall or increase the number of booth in the CAEXPO. Countries outside the region, such as South Korea and Poland, will continue to participate in it. According to statistics, the number of foreign exhibitions is expected to exceed 1,700, including nearly 1,500 for ASEAN countries.
  The CAEXPO has yielded fruitful results in the past 16 years. It has promoted the signing of more than 4,000 investment projects, involving many fields such as port cooperation, shipping construction, E-commerce, modern agriculture, trade and logistics, etc., and promoted the implementation of a number of major projects such as China-ASEAN Information Port and China-ASEAN Entrepreneurs Association, ensuring enterprises of both sides truly enjoy the dividends of CAFTA and the Belt and Road. It is believed that when hibiscus is in full blossom, China-ASEAN cooperation will make even greater achievements.
泰國作为全球新冠肺炎疫情暴发以来,最早报告新冠肺炎确诊病例的国家之一,从2020年1月13日确诊第1例至今,这一人口近7000万的国家累计确诊新冠肺炎病例只有3759例,死亡59人,确诊病例数在全球200多个国家和地区中位列140名开外。根据全球184个国家疫情复苏指数(Ranking of Countries by Recovery Index)调查报告显示,泰国位列全球疫情复苏最快国家第二名,
中国—东盟博览会秘书处最新消息,第17届中国—东盟博览会确定于2020年11月27~30日在中国广西南宁举办。本届东博会以“共建‘一带一路’,共兴数字经济”为主题,将同步举办实体展和云上东博会。同期以线上线下结合的方式举办中国—东盟商务与投资峰会、多场高层论坛、贸易投资促进活动及多平台多渠道的直播活动,实现推動中国—东盟友好合作在共同抗击新冠肺炎疫情中迈上更高水平、取得新成效的目标。  同时,为确
唐贞元十八年正月(公元802年),唐德宗李适在位期间,一支来自骠国的乐团到达了长安,在宫廷内为皇帝和群臣进行了一场盛大的乐舞表演。这支乐团由骠国王子亲自带领,这场表演在当时引起了巨大轰动,白居易还专门写了一首《骠国乐》盛赞表演之美。实际上骠国王子走这一遭,是以献乐舞之名,行救国之实。  受南诏之托奔赴长安  骠国位于今天的缅甸,是古缅甸早期的一个重要国家,曾经盛极一时。骠国乐团的那次长安之行,并不
来自马来西亚的毛燕经过挑毛、风干定型、检验等加工过程后,送往中国各地市场,这已经成为中国—马来西亚钦州产业园区(以下简称中马钦州产业园区)燕窝加工贸易基地的日常。马来西亚毛燕等国际产能合作项目从无到有,是中马钦州产业园区8年建设发展的成果缩影,向外界宣告着中马产能合作的“土壤”已经培育成熟,更多的成果将在其中产生。  现代化国际合作园区规模初具  2012年4月、2013年2月,中马钦州产业园区和
据越南计划投资部的报告,截至2020年9月20日,外國投资商新批注册资金、增资和购买股份总额达到212亿美元,是2019年同期的81.1%。在投资领域,外国投资商对18个主要领域进行投资。其中,加工制造业占比最大,投资总额达近99亿美元,占注册资金总额的46.6%。  在投资伙伴方面,共有111个国家和地区对越南进行投资。其中,新加坡以67.7亿美元的投资总额成为越南第一大投资来源国,占越南引进外
9月26日,中老鐵路动车组项目合同在北京签署。根据动车组采购合同,中车四方股份公司作为牵头方,同中车大连公司组建联合体,为中老铁路量身定做时速160公里集中动力动车组。该动车组以“极富老挝文化特点,传承中老友谊,体现先进性、现代感”为设计制造理念,是老挝文化元素和中国“复兴号”技术的结合。车辆预计将于2021年9月交付。  中老铁路北起中老边境口岸磨丁,南至老挝首都万象市,线路全长422.4公里,
9月5日,中铁大桥局集团有限公司承建的马来西亚沙捞越州婆罗洲大道升级改造项目重點工程之一——拉让江特大桥正式建成通车。该大桥全长1194米,跨越马来西亚最长的河流拉让江,是迄今为止马来西亚东部境内规模最大的基建项目。  据介绍,拉让江特大桥建成通车,将有效缓解马来西亚现有交通压力,大大缩短从沙巴州到沙捞越州的往返时间,对拉动自然资源丰富的沙捞越州经济具有重要意义。
随着“双11”跨境电商旺季即将到来,9月23日,百世集团与菜鸟合作,开通了一条中国至馬来西亚全链路跨境物流服务线路,并为新加坡消费者提供末端配送服务。  此次百世集团联合菜鸟推出的中马跨境物流服务,整合了全链路资源,包括国内集货、国际干线运输、报关清关、境外仓储、末端配送等,实现“一单到底”,并做到全程透明可视化。跨境包裹使用统一的系统管理,降低了丢件、错发件风险,节约了转运时间,也便于用户实时查
在9月27日世界旅游日来临之际,柬埔寨总理洪森发表“世界旅游日”賀词时表示,柬埔寨旅游业目前正在饱受新冠肺炎疫情冲击,其他经济领域也深受影响。目前柬埔寨境内新冠疫情已有所缓和,人们开始走出家门踏青、郊游。这是柬埔寨旅游业全面复苏的前兆。  为促进国家经济复苏,洪森命令各政府部门须将农村旅游发展视为主要战略,旨在推动农村经济发展。各级政府部门务必制定明确的发展计划,培训地方旅游人力资源,提高旅游服务