为了认真贯彻全国安全生产工作会议精神 ,灯塔市农机监理所把安全生产作为头等大事来抓 ,在全市范围内积极开展农机百日安全大检查。这次农机百日安全大检查 ,以贯彻农业部关于加强农机监理工作的通知精神为指导 ,全面落实全国农机百日安全竞赛内容 ,检查重点是无牌行驶、无证
In order to conscientiously implement the spirit of the national work safety conference, Beida City Agricultural Machinery Supervision Office took safety production as the top priority to carry out large-scale inspection of the safety of agricultural machinery within the city. The 100-day safety inspection of agricultural machinery to carry out the Ministry of Agriculture on strengthening the supervision of the supervision of agricultural machinery as a guide, the full implementation of the National Agricultural Machinery 100-day safety competition, check the focus is driving without a license, without a license