1 病例介绍患者,男性,61岁,自觉消化不良伴腹上部肿块渐增大半年,无腹痛、腹泻、黑便,无黄疸,无发热,无消瘦等。查体:腹软,腹上部隆起,触及肿块约35cm×25cm,质软,无压痛,活动度差,移动性浊音(-)。浅表淋巴结(-),肛检(-)。腹部CT及B型超声检查均示:腹上部巨大混合性肿块,与肝
1 case description Patients, male, 61 years old, conscious dyspepsia with abdominal upper tumor gradually increased six months without abdominal pain, diarrhea, melena, jaundice, no fever, no weight loss and so on. Examination: abdominal soft, abdominal uplift, touching the tumor about 35cm × 25cm, soft, no tenderness, poor mobility, mobility dullness (-). Superficial lymph nodes (-), anal examination (-). Abdominal CT and B-mode ultrasound showed: a huge mixed abdomen mass, and the liver