(主持人在演播室内) 在今天的《世界影视博览》节目中我们奉献给大家的是 一期特别节目──介绍我国的电视译制工作。许多观众都是 通过电视节目对异国他乡的文化习俗、民族历史以及当地的 地形地貌有所了解的。电视为我们敞开了一个看世界的窗 口。全国各地的电视台中都活跃
(Host in the studio) In today’s “World Television Expo” program we are dedicated to a special program ─ ─ Introduction of China’s TV translation work. Many viewers learn about the cultural customs, ethnic history and local topography of a foreign country via television programs. TV opened up a window for us to see the world. Television stations across the country are active