描摹湘籍药店的崛起史,就不得不提老百姓大药房,这就如同谈起150多年前的“湘军”必须得提到曾国藩一样。 2001年10月27日,医药批发行业出身的谢子龙创办的老百姓大药房湘雅店盛装开幕;三年多后的今天,“老百姓”已成长为湖南乃至全国范围医药零售行业的急先锋,尽管2004年底门店数量只有52家,但18.2亿元的年销售额已使其稳居“头雁”位置。 “’老百姓’的做强做大符合经济发
As the history of the rise of the Hunan drugstore has been traced, one must mention the large pharmacies of the common people. This is just like talking about the ”Hunan Army“ over 150 years ago that must be mentioned in Zeng Guofan. On October 27, 2001, the Xiangya Dian, a large-scale pharmacy founded by Xie Zi-long, a medical and wholesale industry originator, was opened. More than three years later, ”ordinary people“ have become the vanguard of the pharmaceutical retail industry in Hunan and the whole country. Although the number of stores by the end of 2004 was only 52, but annual sales of 1.82 billion yuan has made it a stable position. ”’Common people’ bigger and stronger in line with economic development