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著名的后殖民时代作家奈保尔一直密切关注后殖民社会的现实与人生景况,“寻求个人归属感”的主题贯穿其整个创作历程。在他的封笔长篇小说《魔种》中,这一主题得到了极富哲理的诠释。本文通过对《魔种》进行文本解读,探讨小说主人公威利追寻个人归属感的人生历程,以及个人归属感的缺失原因;同时揭示作者借助文本所要表达的主题,并联系当代,阐释探寻个人归属感的现实意义。 The famous post-colonial writers Naipaul has been closely watching the realities and life circumstances of post-colonial society. The theme of “seeking personal belonging” runs through the entire creative process. This theme has been very philosophically interpreted in his pen-and-devil genre. This article explores the life course of Willy, the hero of the novel, in pursuit of personal belonging, as well as the reasons for the lack of personal belonging. At the same time, the author reveals the subject to be expressed by the text, The sense of reality.