广东电信 电信企业资金流集中式管理

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一、企业管理现代化成果必须体现 与时俱进的创新精神 广东省电信有限公司是一家从计划经济体制下脱胎而出的大型上市通信公司,其企业运作仍带有根深蒂固的计划经济管理色彩,其要在与计划经济截然不同的市场经济的环境下生存和发展,持续保持市场的领先地位,必然要对其现有的管理模式和运营机制进行改革创新。 I. Achievements of Modernization of Enterprise Management Must Embody Innovation Spirit of Keeping Pace with Times The Guangdong Telecom Co., Ltd. is a large listed communications company born out of the planned economy. Its corporate operation still carries the deep-rooted nature of planned economic management. Its To survive and develop under the environment of a market economy distinct from the planned economy and maintain its leading position in the market, it is bound to reform and innovate its existing management mode and operating mechanism.
摘 要:城市设计(Urban Design)是一门介于建筑设计与城市规划(Urban Plan)之间的学科,是三维设计,注重邻里,广场等空间的塑造及心理感受。扬州职业大学新校区设计是城市设计(Urban Design)的很好实践。  关键词:环境质量;外部的形象与意象;空间内部的格局与意象交通与停车  1 概 念  城市设计(Urban Design)是一门介于建筑设计与城市规划(Urban Pl