在很多运动中,运动员的体重过重是很不利的,特别是对那些在运动中需要由运动员自己支持体重的项目来说更是如此。测定人体内体脂与瘦体重的百分率,对于决定运动员是否需要减轻更多体重是很有用的。测定体脂和瘦体重百分率的方法主要有人体测量法和水下称重法。用人体测量法测定体脂百分率需要先测定身体围度、骨骼直径或皮褶厚度。再通过一系列数学公式计算出体脂和瘦体重的百分比,在奥林匹克训练中心最常用的人体测量公式是Sloan-Weir 的
In many sports, the overweight of athletes is very detrimental, especially for those who need to be physically supported by their athletes during their exercise. Determining the percentage of body fat and lean body mass in humans is useful for determining whether athletes need to lose more weight. Determination of body fat and lean body mass percentage of the main methods of human measurement and underwater weighing method. The body fat percentage measured by anthropometry need to determine the body circumference, skeletal diameter or skinfold thickness. And then through a series of mathematical formulas to calculate the percentage of body fat and lean body mass, the most commonly used body measurement formula at the Olympic Training Center is Sloan-Weir