Prevention of Hepatitis B Virus There is a safe, efficient and approved vaccine available. Hepatitis B is a common and serious disease that affects 2 million Americans each year. 75% of patients with mild or no clinical symptoms, 25% jaundice, 5% required hospitalization, 0.1% died of fulminant hepatitis; infected patients 6-10% become chronic carriers. Nearly 25% of the 6 million-8 million carriers in the United States can develop chronic hepatitis and about 4,000 die of cirrhosis each year. In addition, 1-2% of carriers each year die from hepatitis B-causing hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatitis B vaccine is composed of human hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) particles inactivated by biochemical and biophysical methods. HBsAg is screened out healthy and chronic