为了有效地控制绵羊的后代性别,选取3只健康和繁殖性能正常的成年雄性湖羊,1只湖羊作为对照组,另外2只湖羊分别采用质粒p LL3.7-A、p LL3.7-B对Zfy mRNA基因进行干扰,采集精液并利用人工授精与216只母羊进行配种,观察母羊及后代繁殖情况。结果显示:与对照组相比,干扰组湖羊的后代性别比例发生明显的偏移,雌性比例达64%以上,而子代的初生重、繁殖性能等均无变化。结论:干扰Zfy基因生产绵羊性控精液的方法简单、方便、易操作,在生产中有一定的推广价值和应用前景。
In order to effectively control the sex of offspring in sheep, three healthy male and female Hugh sheep with normal reproductive performance and one Hu sheep were selected as the control group. The other two Hu sheep were treated with plasmid p LL3.7-A and p LL3.7 -B interference Zfy mRNA gene, semen collection and artificial insemination and 216 ewes breeding, observation of ewes and offspring of reproduction. The results showed that compared with the control group, the sex ratio of the offspring of the interfering Hu sheep significantly shifted, the proportion of females was over 64%, while the birth weight and reproductive performance of the offspring did not change. Conclusion: The method of interfering Zfy gene in producing sheep sex control semen is simple, convenient and easy to operate. It has certain promotion value and application prospect in production.