Small varieties of autumn vegetables, the low volume listed, into the off-season at this time every year is the old problem in Hangzhou area for many years. Hangzhou Vegetable Research Institute for this issue related to the people’s life issues, after years of introduction, fostering cultivation techniques and cooperation with relevant units, supporting the processing experiment, not only from the introduction of more than 30 Chinese and foreign vegetable varieties screening, hybrid stability Pre-Fung tomato, Asiatic zucchini, dutch sword bean, Japanese green onion, sweet pea bean -14 and Chongming gourd and other six suitable for Hangzhou and a similar climate, geographical environment large-scale popularization of planting, and vegetables have been accepted for vegetables New varieties, to promote the provision of practical supporting cultivation techniques, processing technology and sales for the convenience of the door opened, but also for the future preparation of the red moss, dwarf cowpea, okra, fungus, pork