
来源 :林业研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asiware
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雨豆树的苗木种植在容器袋的沙和牛粪的混合质上(3:1).在播种前后一周施用不同浓度(0.1%, 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 5% and 10%)的有效微生物群(Effective Microorganisms )液.测定发芽和苗木自然生长参数(包括:茎根长度,活力指数,直径,叶子数量,茎根的鲜重和干重,总的生物量增长量).估计生化参数如叶绿素a, 叶绿素b,类胡罗卜素,并观测了受有效微生物群影响的生节情况. 与对照相比, 经不同浓度有效微生物群液处理的雨豆树,发芽率和苗木自然生长参数都明显增加.施用2%有效微生物群液的苗木生长率最大,其次是施用1%有效微生物群液的苗木.1%有效微生物群液的生节率最高,并随浓度的增加而下降.尽管经有效微生物群液处理的苗木叶中色素比对照高,但叶绿素a, 叶绿素b,类胡罗卜素并不明显高于对照. 随着有效微生物群液浓度的增加,苗木生长表现出不同的效果,大部分参数在中等浓度范围最高.研究表明,有效微生物群技术有助与提高苗圃中苗木的生长,有益微生物与容器袋土壤相结合有助于改善退化的或贫瘠的土壤,有利于初移植苗木的营养和水分吸收.“,”Microbial Inoculants as Effective Microorganisms (EM) were applied to find out their effects on germination and seedling growth of Albizia saman in the nursery. The seedlings were grown in a mixture of sandy soils and cow dung (3:1) kept in polybags. The EM solution at different concentrations (0.1%, 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 5% and 10%) was incorporated before and after a week of sowing seeds. Germination and physical growth parameters, including shoot and root length, vigor index, collar diameter, leaf number, fresh and dry weight of shoot and root and total biomass increment over the control were measured. The nodulation status influenced by EM was also observed along with the estimation of chemical parameters like chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoid. Both germination and the measured physical growth parameters were found significantly (P<0.05) higher in seedlings treated with different concentrations of EM solution in comparison to the control. Maximum growth was found at 2% followed by 1% EM solution. Nodulation was higher at 0.1% concentration but it normally decreased with the increase of concentrations. Although there were a higher amount of pigments in leaves of the treated seedlings than of the control, the variations recorded with respect to chlorophyll a, b and carotenoid were not significantly higher in most of the treatments. Treated seedlings showed variable results along with the increment of EM applications and most of the parameters showed best results at the medium range of concentrations. The study indicates that the Microbial Inoculant (EM) technology might be useful to improve the growth of seedlings in the nursery. This also indicates that the associated beneficial organisms along with the polybag soils might be of value in improving the degraded soil or poor field soil for better nutrient and water uptake during the initial growth of transplanted seedlings.
吸氧选对流量与时间rn 吴开松主任介绍,对于需要氧疗的一般患者而言,氧气的浓度一般在30%左右,不要超过35%,氧疗时间不宜过长,氧疗时间过长会引起头晕、胸闷等症状,还会引起
味觉的成熟期要追溯到胎儿期,从怀孕的第6个月开始,宝宝的味觉就已初步成熟,等到出生就能辨别酸甜苦辣了.所以,味觉是宝宝出生时最发达的感觉.rn 1岁以后,宝宝的味觉能力基
成人侧弯亦可矫正  江西省南昌市李女士问:我今年23岁,从小胸椎呈C型,看起来有点驼背,请问能否治好?费用大概是多少?  武汉协和医院骨科副主任医师杨操答:可以手术。侧弯矫正程度根据脊柱柔韧性和角度大小不同而异,外观会有很大的改善。手术费用需要看侧弯是哪一类型,需要融合多少节段。因为主要是植入的螺钉很贵,植入螺钉数量直接影响整个费用。如果采用国产螺钉,整个费用通常8万左右,如果采用进口螺钉,通常1