山西省是一个以煤炭资源为主的能源重化工基地。然而由于过度的、不合理的开采 ,使山西原本十分脆弱的生态环境急剧恶化 ,地质灾害频繁发生 ,如采空区地面沉降、裂缝、塌陷、耕地破坏、建筑物受损、水源枯竭、植被死亡、土地荒漠化等等。这不仅严重破坏了矿区人民的生存环境 ,而且制约了山西省经济和社会的可持续发展。概括介绍了山西省因采煤形成的地质灾害状况 ,并提出了相应的防治对策。
Shanxi Province is a coal-based energy heavy chemical industry base. However, due to excessive and unreasonable exploitation, the originally fragile ecological environment in Shanxi Province has deteriorated drastically and geological disasters have occurred frequently. For example, land subsidence, cracks, collapse, destruction of cultivated land, damaged buildings, water depletion and death of vegetation have occurred in mined-out areas , Desertification and so on. This not only seriously damaged the living environment of people in the mining area, but also restricted the sustainable development of economy and society of Shanxi Province. The status of geological disasters caused by coal mining in Shanxi Province is introduced in brief and the corresponding control measures are put forward.