Tpeak-Tend interval as a new risk factor for arrhythmic event in pa-tient with Brugada syndrome

来源 :Journal of Nanjing Medical University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sony360
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Objective: To evaluate Tpeak- Tend ( Tp- e) interval in surface standard ECG as a new risk factor for arrhythmic event inpatient with Brugada syndrome. Methods: 23 male patients with Brugada syndrome and 20 male patients with paroxysmalsupraventricular tachycardia ( PSVT) as the control group were investigated in this study. Tp- e interval in surface standardECG was compared between BrS and PSVT patients. Results: Tp- e interval in BrS patients was significantly longer thanthat in PSVT patients ( 109.57±22.86 ms vs. 88.50±13.08ms, P<0.05) . There was significant difference in Tp- e interval be-tween 16 BrS patients with arrhythmic events ( including syncope, clinical ventricular fibrillation [ VF] and programmed elec-trical stimulation [ PES] - induced VF) and 7 BrS patients without arrhythmic events and PSVT patients ( 118.12±20.40ms vs.90.00±15.27ms, P<0.05; 118.12±20.40ms vs. 88.50±13.08ms, P<0.05). However, Tp- e interval was similar in BrS patients with-out arrhythmic events and PSVT patients (90.00±15.27ms vs 88.50±13.08ms, P>0.05). Conclusion: The prolongation of Tp- einterval could serve as a new noninvasive event predictor for arrhythmic events in patients with Brugada syndrome. Methods: 23 male patients with Brugada syndrome and 20 male patients with paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT) as the Tp-e interval in BrS patients was significantly longer thanthat in PSVT patients (109.57 ± 22.86 ms vs. 88.50 ± 13.08 ms , There was significant difference in Tp-e interval be-tween 16 BrS patients with arrhythmic events (including syncope, clinical ventricular fibrillation [VF] and programmed elec-trical stimulation [PES] -induced VF) and 7 BrS Patients without arrhythmic events and PSVT patients (118.12 ± 20.40ms vs.90.00 ± 15.27ms, P <0.05; 118.12 ± 20.40ms vs. 88.50 ± 13.08ms, P <0.05). However, Tp-e interval was similar in BrS patients with-out arrhythmic events and PSVT patients (90.00 ± 15.27 ms vs 88.50 ± 13.08 ms, P> 0.05). Conclusion: The prolongation of Tp-einterval could serve as a new noninvasive event predictor for arrhythmic events in patients with Brugada syndrome.
摘 要:文化精准扶贫是精准扶贫战略中很重要的组成部分。党校图书馆作为文化精准扶贫工作的重要部门,应发挥其文化精准扶贫的优势,精准识别贫困目标人群、科学规划文化精准扶贫项目、加强文化扶贫项目过程的精确管理、提高党校图书馆文化精准扶贫人员与目标人群的综合素质和建立健全完善的文化精准扶贫考核机制,促进文化精准扶贫工作的有序推进。  关键词:党校图书馆;农村;文化精准扶贫  一、引言  “精准扶贫是新时期
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