针对低磷低钛低硫钢生产的控制难点,通过研究熔氧结合快速脱磷去钛技术、高效快速脱硫技术的研究与应用、精炼过程控钛脱氧技术开发与应用等多项新技术,集成应用,形成了一套成熟的低磷、低钛、低硫钢的冶炼工艺,解决了电炉脱磷去钛困难、石灰消耗高、合金化低磷合金消耗高、精炼过程增钛量大、脱硫难度大(出现换渣)、精炼周期波动大、冶炼成本高等问题,获得了钢水中极低的磷、钛、硫质量分数,电炉终点磷质量分数可达到0.004% 以下,钛质量分数达到0.0006% 以下,成品磷质量分数不高于0.010% 、钛质量分数不高于0.003% 、硫质量分数不高于0.003%,钢水氢质量分数不高于0.00015% 、氧质量分数集中于0.0011% ~0.0014%,实现了低磷、低钛、低硫高洁净钢的批量稳定生产,产品质量满足中高端用户要求.“,”According to the control difficulty of the low phosphorus .Low titanium and low sulfur steel production , by studying the research and application of the melting with oxygen injection rapid dephosphorization and titanium removal technology and high efficient and rapid desulphurization technology ,the development and application of the purified SPC titanium deoxidation technology ,and the integrated applications ,a set of mature low phosphorus ,low titanium and low sulfur steel smelting process was formed to solve the problem of difficult dephosphorization and ti-tanium removal in electric furnace ,high consumption of lime and high consumption of low phosphorus alloy for allo-ying ,big increase of the amount of titanium in refining process ,difficult desulfurization (changing the slag ) ,big fluctuation of the refining cycle ,and high smelting cost .And the phosphorus ,titanium and sulfur contents in steel were very low .The electric furnace endpoint phosphorus and titanium could reach below 0 .004% and 0 .0006% , respectively .The mass fraction of phosphorus ,titanium and sulfur in finished product were no more than 0 .010% , 0 .003% and 0 .003% ,respectively .The hydrogenation content in molten steel was no more than 0 .00015% and the oxygen concentration was in the range of 0 .0011%-0 .0014% .Thus ,the bulk steady production of the low phosphorus ,low titanium ,low sulfur and high clean steel was realized ,and the product quality could meet the re-quirements of high-end users .