这里介绍的是生活在英国统治下的殖民地印度,资产阶级尚处在诞生时期的一位启蒙思想家和社会改革家,名叫拉姆莫汉·罗易(Rammohan Roy 1774~1833)。他面临着一个艰难复杂的历史环境,国无主权,社会衰败,经济凋零,资本主义刚刚产生,人民在痛苦中挣扎。他以崇高的爱国热忱和顽强精神,针对封建愚昧、宗教迷信及殖民压榨,掀起了启蒙宣传和社会改革,为印度民族解放斗争揭开了序幕,开辟了前进
Here is a colonial India living under British rule, an enlightened thinker and social reformer of the bourgeoisie who was still in its infancy, named Rammohan Roy (1774-1833). He is facing a difficult and complicated historical environment. The country has no sovereignty, social decline, economic dying, capitalism just emerged, and the people struggled in pain. With lofty patriotism and indomitable spirit, he initiated enlightenment and social reforms in response to feudal ignorance, religious superstitions and colonial squeeze, opened the curtain for the national liberation struggle in India and opened up new heights.