27岁的赵亮可以算得上大名鼎鼎了。走进太原市的桃园四巷,在那幢旧楼前,随便叫住一个人,你都可以打听得出赵亮家的位置。赵亮儿时就读于太原市桃园小学,初中于太原18中学毕业,高中毕业于山西省实验中学,1993年考取清华大学建筑系。今年,刚在清华大学读完研究生的赵亮申请了15所外国高校,其中12所为他敞开大门。这些学校都声名赫赫——哈佛、麻省理工学院、哥伦比亚、耶鲁、宾西法尼亚、伊利诺、华盛顿大学……即将做他导师的 Peter.Rowe 教授敬贤爱才,在给他的信中写了这样一段话:哈佛给他全额奖学金,我个人愿意做其导师,我被他迄今为止所取得的成就和能为中国建筑带来变化的潜力所打动。凭着这封信。赵亮在申请签证的过程中少了许多波折,今年8月底,他离别父母家乡,远赴曾培养出33位诺贝尔科学奖获得者、6位美国总统的哈佛大学,去攻读建筑设计的博士学位。
27-year-old Zhao Liang can be regarded as the famous. Into the Taoyuan four lane in Taiyuan, in front of the old building, casually called a person, you can inquire about the location of Zhao Liang’s home. Zhao Liang was studying at Taiyuan Taoyuan Elementary School, junior high school graduated from Taiyuan 18 Middle School, graduated from Shanxi Experimental High School in high school, and obtained the Department of Architecture of Tsinghua University in 1993. This year, Zhao Liang, a graduate student at Tsinghua University, applied for 15 foreign universities and 12 of them opened the door to him. These schools are all prestigious - Harvard, MIT, Columbia, Yale, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Washington University ...... Professor Peter.Rowe about to be his mentor, Wrote a passage like this: Harvard gave him a full scholarship, and I personally would like to be his mentor, impressed by what he has achieved so far and the potential to make a difference in China’s architecture. With this letter. Zhao Liang spent a lot of twists and turns in the process of applying for a visa. He left his parents’ hometown at the end of August this year and went to train 33 Harvard University Nobel Prize winners and six U.S. presidents to study architectural design doctorates .