Endothelial and neuronal nitric oxide synthase (eNOS, nNOS) are consistently expressed in cardiomyocytes, whereas cellular stress induces iNOS expression. Myocardial cell-structure eNOS and nNOS-derived NO mainly exert inhibitory effects on myocardium under physiological conditions in four aspects: slowing down the frequency of cardiomyocytes pulsation, mildly inhibiting cardiomyocyte contractile function, accelerating cardiomyocyte relaxation and increasing compliance, and light Inhibition of mitochondrial electron transport enhances oxygen utilization efficiency. When physiological myocardium reserve and myocardial hypertrophy were mobilized under physiological conditions, eNOS secreted by complexing with receptors on cell membrane could mediate the receptor - mediated signal through modest inhibition and formed a similar effect as enhanced antagonism. The nNOS-derived NO, which forms a complex with RyR, stabilizes RyR calcium release by inhibition and increases sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2 + transport efficiency. In the condition of myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury or heart failure, iNOS-derived NO prevents the opening of mitochondrial transmembrane pore through the inhibition of electron transport of mitochondria, except for the role of eNOS and nNOS-derived NO. From the above results, no matter in physiological or pathological conditions, NO showed a variety of moderate inhibition, which play a role in myocardial protection.